Useless Information

Sometimes I think stress is partly induced because our brains have so much useless information and facts inside that we hold onto for no apparent reason. Now don't get me wrong because I'm all for educating yourself and challenging fiction vs. facts but I find that my memory holds onto the most random thoughts. Please see examples below:

-A jigger is 1 1/2 ounces. I read that in a cookbook one time and now I keep trying to find a recipe that calls for a "jigger". Yes, I know I am lame because I read cookbooks like they are fiction novels. I've read one from front to back before and because of that I now know more about pans, utensils, seasonings, and how long you can store certain vegetables before they go bad. If the world comes to an end suddenly and it is up to one human being to measure a jigger then I am definitely your girl!

-The weakest finger is your ring finger. I mean try to bend that sucker about 4 or 5 times and it's like trying to benchpress 350 lbs. This is not necessarily a fact you can find in a book or elsewhere but you just have to try to believe it. I assumed that this is why you wear your wedding bands on this finger....because it's already weak and vulnerable so it can't put up a good

-You know you're getting enough fiber if your "output" floats. I can thank Mrs. Plummer in wellness for this one. I think I've been waiting for my "output" to float ever since. I even tried fiber supplements but no luck. This has helped me draw the conclusion that there is no way in hell you can EVER get enough fiber.

-HTML stands for hypertext markup language. Why do I need to know that? Why do I know that? Why do we create words so big that we need to use acronyms to refer to them?

-Cats have the cleanest mouths? Or is it tongues? How can something that cleans itself with it's tongue have a clean mouth? Trust me on this one...I have two cats and there is NO way that it's mouth is clean after it licks its hind end.

-In the average person's lifetime you will swallow eight spiders in your sleep. The credit for this one goes to the Snapple bottle. Who stayed awake to realize that they've swallowed eight spiders?

-Red skies at night, sailor's delight, red skies in the morning, sailor's take warning. Why? Are there man eating mermaids in the water? Oh well, I'm not a sailor so it doesn't matter much to me.

-PMDAS: when working a complicated math problem you always work through them in this order....parentheses, multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction. This could also be referred to as the order of operations. I never have difficult math problems where I use this. Thank God for Microsoft Excel and an adding machine!!!

-Cappuccino is worse for your skin than french fries and chocolate as far as acne/zits is concerned. That is because it warms your body temperature and then your pores secrete sweat to cool the core temperature back down. And we all know that sweat=breakouts. I think I read this in a Teen Magazine about 10 years ago.

Now these, my friends, are just a few of the random things that my head is still holding onto for whatever reason. I guess they are back there in that "Jeopardy" corner in case we ever make it. I can hear it now...."What is....PMDAS?". Lol. Thanks for listening to my clueless wonders of the world. PS I'm Wandering Lust not Wandering Lost. Just because you're wandering doesn't mean you're lost! XOXO


Anonymous said...

My poop NEVER floats.